Pulling Fingers Down Stretch
Front of the Body Stretches
1m 35s
Your fingers and hand pulls back up towards you as you smoothly pull them away, forward and down with your other hand.
Never push through pain and do not stretch if injured. If pregnant or physically impaired, get the OK from your doctor before stretching.
Up Next in Front of the Body Stretches
Claw Stretch
Put your hand into the shape of a claw and then tense it. Maintain that tension, while the other hand squeezes it shut. It might feel like it has been massaged inside afterwards. Keep your shoulders relaxed.
Never push through pain and do not stretch if injured. If pregnant or physically impair...
Clasped Hand Stretch
Keep the resistance on as you move smoothly.
Never push through pain and do not stretch if injured. If pregnant or physically impaired, get the OK from your doctor before stretching.
The Hip Flexor Low Lunge
Go easy with this more challenging stretch, constantly engaging the front of your leg and hip by pulling your foot down into the floor.
Never push through pain and do not stretch if injured. If pregnant or physically impaired, get the OK from your doctor before stretching.