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Abductor Bent Leg Stretch

Outside of the Body Stretches • 3m 33s

Up Next in Outside of the Body Stretches

  • Sitting Glute Stretch with Strap

    A slightly more demanding stretch, place the loop around the foot and swing it out as far as you can, then pull your foot in towards the opposite shoulder smoothly with the strap, keeping your knee in the same position.

  • Sitting Abductor Squeeze

     As your knees push out continuously, your arms straighten and squeeze in to stretch your abductors. Keep your shoulders down and your neck and shoulders relaxed.

  • Pull Bent Leg towards You

    The trick with this stretch for your glutes and outside of your thighs is to keep the knee at the same angle when you pull it back and not bend it more. You also want to be able to see inside of the leg all the way through, rather than the top of it, as it is rotated out all the way through.